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10 things you can do to love yourself more: the love yourself to-do-list

We know, trying to love yourself more takes time but you don't have to work your way up to supposed perfection. The journey is certainly long and tiring but there is no shortage of things you can start doing right away! If you've never had the feeling of loving yourself it might be helpful to have a list of simple things you can do to boost your confidence and make you feel good about yourself.
Let's get started: here are ten ways to show you some love!

Start with textbook skincare

Start with textbook skincare

Taking time for yourself is one of the most important things if you want to love yourself more. For this reason, every day, carve out the time necessary for your skincare in the morning and evening. This small gesture can become, with time and perseverance, an indispensable ritual to "switch off" after a busy day, feel good about yourself and obviously love yourself more!

In the evening, in particular, allow yourself all the necessary steps to help the skin regenerate and restore itself during the night: therefore, in addition to the cleanser and face cream , do not forget the toner and a serum suitable for your needs.

A nice hot bath to love yourself

A nice hot bath to love yourself

Even a nice hot bath is not only a great way to love yourself more but it's also one of the simplest!

In this case we mean a bathroom in the comfort of your home, not in a spa or other public place: it must be a place where you can completely relax and enjoy your privacy without people around who could annoy you or make you fear their judgment.

Don't forget to create the right atmosphere with candles, the right playlist or the right series in the background, of course, nourishing and perfumed shower gel and body cream that make you feel like in a spa.

To love yourself more, spend time in nature

To love yourself more, spend time in nature

Did you know that spending even a few minutes outdoors allows our body to "regulate" and feel more energetic? This is precisely why many people like to get away from the city to spend time surrounded by nature.

Try to go on regular nature walks or organize hikes with friends at least a couple of times a month to completely unplug!

If your schedule doesn't allow you to spend much time outdoors, or if it's too cold outside for what feels like the millionth winter in a row (someone had to say it!), take up gardening as a hobby. Did you know that it is scientifically proven to make people happier?

Get enough sleep to regenerate

Get enough sleep to regenerate

If you love staying up late we have bad news for you: getting enough sleep is one of the most important things you can do to love yourself more.

Not only is sleep essential for our bodies to restore and regenerate after a long day, but it's also super important for our emotional well-being.

If you haven't slept enough, it may have happened to you that you find yourself irritable, distracted and maybe even a little too strict towards yourself. To improve your mood and to always be on top at your job try to sleep at least 8 hours a night, and not once in a while!

Pamper yourself with a manicure

Pamper yourself with a manicure

As we have already mentioned, one of the best ways to love yourself more is to make time for yourself. And what's better than some special treatment to feel better right away? Pampering yourself with a manicure or a trip to the hairdresser is an easy way to take time out, relax and forget your worries. Furthermore, these simple treatments can also be "therapeutic", helping you to feel good about yourself and giving you satisfaction while they are carried out. They're little luxuries that can make you feel better about yourself in no time.

Buy something that makes you feel good about your body

Buy something that makes you feel good about your body

One of the most important things to do for yourself is to treat your body well, which not only involves exercising regularly but also buying clothes that make you feel good about yourself and, above all, look beautiful. Whether it's a new dress or shoes, try to buy something that flatters you and makes you feel good about your appearance and super confident!

When you have good self-esteem, you're more likely to wear clothes that make you feel good about yourself. It is important to remember that your body is not something to be ashamed of but, on the contrary, it is a beautiful thing that deserves respect and care.

To love yourself more accept your uniqueness

Accepting your uniqueness is key to loving yourself more. Accept who you are, your strengths and weaknesses, and what makes you different from everyone else. Accepting your uniqueness will also allow you to be more confident in yourself and your worth because you won't have the pressure to try to conform or fit in with the people around you.

Your talent, your skills and your personality are unique and, precisely these, make you special. It is with this confidence and inner strength that you understand and accept one fundamental thing: you are exactly as you should be!

Listen to the music you love

Listen to the music you love

Listening to the music you love is one of the best ways to get in touch with your emotions and fully express yourself. Listen to that song that makes you happy or that playlist you've created for when you're feeling strong and full of energy!

This type of music can lift your spirits when you're feeling down, making it easier to see past your worries and preparing you to face them with grit.

And can we talk about how good it feels to sing your favorite song in the shower? Apologies to the neighbors, but every now and then our Beyoncé-esque talent has to come out!

Read a book by your favorite author

Read a book by your favorite author

Reading is a great way to relax and spend time with yourself, but also to challenge your mind. Read something that makes you laugh or that immerses you completely in the narrative without leaving any room in your mind for negative thoughts.

Don't have any new books that excite you? Re-read that book that kept you company at that particular moment in your life and that you always promise yourself to read. If you love reading you'll know it too, a book you love is a bit like a friend you can always seek comfort in.

Not much for reading? Watch your favorite series or that movie that makes you laugh to tears. The important thing is to carve out time to do something that makes you feel good.

Do something kind for someone else

Do something kind for someone else

This can be as simple as an act of kindness, like holding the door open for someone behind you or offering to help your co-worker with a job. Or, it can be an act of kindness to a friend or family member, especially if they're having a bad day and need someone to comfort them. These small actions will make you feel better about yourself!

We hope that this small list has inspired you to love yourself more and give you some useful advice to carve out time for yourself. Always remember that self-love is a process that takes time, so don't feel guilty if you can't get all of these things done in a short amount of time. The most important thing is to keep trying and try not to give up. It's absolutely worth it!

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