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AQ3rose CROP-G: the revolutionary active ingredient that transforms eyelash serum formulations

The AQ3rose CROP-G is an innovative and revolutionary active ingredient that is transforming the world of eyelash serums . This unique and powerful ingredient is able to offer numerous benefits for the health and beauty of eyelashes, leading to amazing results in terms of growth and density.

In this article, we will explore the characteristics of AQ3rose CROP-G and find out how this ingredient is revolutionizing the eyelash serum industry.

The world of beauty is constantly evolving, and the AQ3rose CROP-G is a perfect example of this. This active ingredient was developed through years of research and experimentation, with the aim of creating an ingredient that could significantly improve eyelash growth and health . Thanks to its unique properties and effectiveness, AQ3rose CROP-G is fast becoming a key ingredient in the formulation of eyelash serums.

But what exactly is AQ3rose CROP-G and how does it work? Let's find out together in the next paragraph.

The science behind the AQ3rose CROP-G

The science behind the AQ3rose CROP-G

AQ3rose CROP-G is an active ingredient of natural origin, derived from a special variety of rose, Rosa centifolia. This plant is known for its beneficial properties and is used in various cosmetic and pharmaceutical products. AQ3rose CROP-G is mainly composed of three active molecules: galacturonic acid , quercetin and rutoside . These molecules work in synergy to stimulate eyelash growth and improve their appearance.

  • Galacturonic acid is a fundamental component of the polysaccharides present in the extracellular matrix of the eyelashes. This molecule is responsible for the hydration and strength of eyelashes , as well as promoting their growth .
  • Quercetin , on the other hand, is a powerful antioxidant that protects eyelashes from free radical damage and external aggressions, such as pollution and UV rays.
  • Finally, rutoside is a flavonoid that stimulates blood microcirculation at the level of the eyelash follicle, promoting the supply of nutrients and oxygen and, consequently, eyelash growth.

Benefits of AQ3rose CROP-G in eyelash serums

The integration of AQ3rose CROP-G in eyelash serums offers many advantages over the active ingredients traditionally used in these products. Let's see some of them together:

  1. Greater efficacy in eyelash growth : thanks to the synergy of the three active molecules (galacturonic acid, quercetin and rutoside), AQ3rose CROP-G stimulates eyelash growth more effectively than other ingredients. This results in longer, thicker and stronger eyelashes.
  2. Protection and strengthening of eyelashes : AQ3rose CROP-G acts as a real beauty treatment for eyelashes, protecting them from damage caused by free radicals and external aggressions. Furthermore, thanks to the galacturonic acid, the eyelashes become more hydrated and resistant to breakage.
  3. Biocompatibility and tolerability : AQ3rose CROP-G is an active ingredient of natural origin, which is particularly biocompatible and tolerable. This makes it suitable even for people with sensitive eyes or who use contact lenses.

How AQ3rose CROP-G improves eyelash growth

How AQ3rose CROP-G improves eyelash growth

The AQ3rose CROP-G works on several fronts to improve the growth and appearance of eyelashes. Let's see in detail how:

  • Stimulates blood microcirculation at the follicle level: the rutoside contained in AQ3rose CROP-G promotes the supply of nutrients and oxygen to the eyelash follicle, creating the ideal conditions for healthy and vigorous growth.
  • Increases the production of collagen and elastin : galacturonic acid, together with quercetin, stimulates the synthesis of these two proteins essential for the structure and resistance of the eyelashes. This results in thicker, stronger and more elastic eyelashes.
  • Protects lashes from oxidative damage : Quercetin, thanks to its antioxidant action, neutralizes free radicals and protects lashes from damage caused by pollution, UV rays and other external factors.

Comparison between AQ3rose CROP-G and other ingredients of traditional eyelash serums

Many eyelash serums on the market contain ingredients of synthetic or animal origin, such as prostaglandins, and keratin. Although these ingredients may offer some benefits in terms of eyelash growth, they also have some disadvantages, such as the risk of irritation or allergic reactions and lower biocompatibility compared to ingredients of natural origin such as AQ3rose CROP-G .

Furthermore, AQ3rose CROP-G offers a more complete action than traditional active ingredients, acting not only on eyelash growth, but also on their protection, hydration and strengthening. This makes it an ideal ingredient for formulating highly effective and safe eyelash serums.

Safety and efficacy of AQ3rose CROP-G

Safety and efficacy of AQ3rose CROP-G

The AQ3rose CROP-G is a safe and effective active ingredient , as demonstrated by numerous scientific studies and clinical tests. Thanks to its natural origin and its high biocompatibility, AQ3rose CROP-G is well tolerated even by subjects with sensitive eyes or who use contact lenses. Furthermore, the absence of synthetic or animal-derived ingredients reduces the risk of irritation or allergic reactions.

The effectiveness of AQ3rose CROP-G has been demonstrated in several studies, which have shown a significant increase in the length, thickness and density of eyelashes after using serums containing this active ingredient. These results make it a leading ingredient in the formulation of eyelash serums.

The integration of AQ3rose CROP-G in the beauty routine

Incorporating AQ3rose CROP-G into your beauty routine is simple and can lead to amazing results in terms of lash growth and appearance.

Simply apply a serum containing this active ingredient once a day, preferably in the evening, after thoroughly cleansing and drying your face. The serum is spread with a precise application along the lash line , as if it were a liquid eyeliner. It is important to be consistent in using the serum and expect to see results after about 4-6 weeks of daily use.

Discover "LOOK AT MI", the eyelash and eyebrow serum by ZAGO Milano

LOOK AT MI is the box created in collaboration with Qlhype containing the new 2 in 1 Look at MI eyelash/eyebrow serum-primer and the exclusive mirror with a unique design thanks to its craftsmanship.

The 2 in 1 serum-primer is ideal not only for nourishing and promoting the growth of eyelashes and eyebrows but also for protecting and volumizing them before applying your favorite mascara and/or brows product.

The impact of AQ3rose CROP-G on the eyelash serum industry

Conclusion: The impact of AQ3rose CROP-G on the eyelash serum industry

The AQ3rose CROP-G represents an important innovation in the world of eyelash serums, offering numerous benefits for the health and beauty of the eyelashes. Thanks to its natural origin, high efficacy and biocompatibility, this active ingredient is fast becoming a leading ingredient in the formulation of eyelash serums.

The integration of AQ3rose CROP-G in eyelash serums offers many advantages over traditionally used active ingredients, acting not only on eyelash growth, but also on their protection and strengthening. Furthermore, AQ3rose CROP-G is a safe and effective ingredient, as proven by numerous scientific studies and clinical tests.

If you are looking for a highly effective and safe eyelash serum, we recommend you to try "look at MI" by ZAGO Milano, which uses the AQ3rose CROP-G and other natural ingredients to improve the health and appearance of the eyelashes and of the eyebrows. All that remains is to try it and see the results with your own eyes.
Discover "look at MI", the eyelash and eyebrow serum by ZAGO Milano.

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